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Cupping at Origin: The Complete Guide

June 17, 2024

Cupping, a simple and standardized tasting method used for assessing the raw quality of coffee, varies hugely between a home lab or roastery setting and origin. There are great reasons…

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Calibrating with Customers: Labtime with Joel

June 21, 2023

  One of the challenges we all face in the coffee industry is calibrating with customers on the taste of a coffee: what they mean when they use specific words,…

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Calibrating a Global Cupping Team: Labtime with Joel

February 21, 2023

At Red Fox, our coffee program relies from start to finish on a team of globally-distributed cuppers working simultaneously on shared standards. From the initial purchasing process, to the quality…

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Red Fox’s Fabian Viveros León Talks QC, Mexico, & Covid-19

October 28, 2020

A third generation coffee worker, Red Fox’s Fabian Viveros León learned about coffee cultivation, quality control, and trading from his father in Huila, Colombia, starting at a young age. Currently…

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Age in Coffee: A Primer

August 15, 2019

Coffee is a seed, and like any other produce, it is perishable—meaning that even the very best, most shelf-stable coffees on the planet will eventually show their age. Coffee shelf-lives…

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Scaling Quality: Signal Detection Cupping

June 13, 2019

At Red Fox, our very small team cups a veritable ton of coffee. Whereas another importer might cup a single representative sample to purchase multiple containers from a coop, we…

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