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New Challenges, Top Quality in Kenya 2024

February 21, 2024

After several weeks on the ground in Kenya meeting with partners, cupping, and making commitments, we’re back in the states and feeling on solid ground despite the novel complexity we’re…

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Welcome (Back) to Bolivia

October 19, 2023

If you’ve known us for long, you know our Bolivia roots run deep: over 15 years deep, to be exact. It’s an origin we’ve bought from in the past (the…

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Cajamarca, Then & Now

September 27, 2023

Cajamarca in Northern Peru has been a part of our work since 2017. Much more easily accessible than many regions in which we work, the area offers clear quality and…

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Conservation & Quality in Amazonas

September 27, 2023

We’ve been working in Amazonas in Northern Peru since 2015, and the raw quality potential has always been through the roof. With careful attention to detail over the years from…

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Inzá Harvest Update 2023

September 14, 2023

Inzá harvest is in full swing. After weeks on the ground cupping coffee, talking to producers, and making commitments, we’re getting ready to ship a stellar slate of coffees out…

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Nariño Harvest Update 2023

September 7, 2023

Nariño harvest is upon us. After weeks on the ground cupping coffee, talking to producers, and making commitments, we’re excited for the coffees we’re shipping from the Tablon de Gomez subregion…

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Kanzu Harvest Update 2023

August 8, 2023

Kanzu is back. We’re cupping offers for approval and aim to send first outturns for milling in the next few weeks with an eye towards early shipments & arrivals. Flavor…

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Southern Peru Harvest Update 2023

August 7, 2023

Let’s start by saying it’s impossible to talk about Cusco in Southern Peru as if it were a single producing region. Even the subgroups we work with, like Valle Inca,…

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New Guatemala Huehue & Classic Chimal Smallholders

May 11, 2023

We have a limited quantity of new Guatemala offerings coming in this year to both coasts. We keep the selection highly curated and these coffees are special. On the West…

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