Newsletter: Colombia Harvest Update & Delivery Schedule

Colombia buying got off to a rocky start this season. In July and August, a countrywide truckers strike blocked goods from reaching the ports of Buenaventura, Cartagena, and Santa Marta….

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Newsletter: Red Fox Secure Source

January 12, 2017

Forward Booking Coffee with Red Fox Starting in 2017, we’d like to offer more of our roaster clients the opportunity to secure the best possible coffees by booking forward. We…

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Newsletter: Rwanda Arrivals – Old Favorites & New Finds

December 13, 2016

Rwandan coffees tend to be the first of our fresh-crop coffees to land in the US in the fall and, after the end-of-summer shipping lull, it’s always something to celebrate…

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Newsletter: Harvest Update & Delivery Schedule Peru 2016/2017

November 18, 2016

Greetings from the Fox Den, where we are in the thick of the South American shipping season. Lots from Colombia and Peru that we approved earlier this fall are starting…

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Newsletter: Top Decaf Offers

July 8, 2016

I’ve bought decaf a few different ways over the years. We’ve sent coffees from our spot Annex position north to Vancouver, and I’ve sourced fresh Centrals and then shipped them…

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Newsletter: Why We Work in Ecuador

June 7, 2016

Red Fox was in Ecuador last month for a brief visit at start of the harvest season. We went to check in with the farmers and partners we work with,…

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FLASH OFFER: Bolivia Arrivals

March 23, 2016

Bolivia has a certain mystique. A history, tradition, and culture whose elements remain somewhat arcane. The pieces are not easy to put together. I write this thinking of my experiences…

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Ethiopia 2015/2016 – Harvest Update & Forward Contracting

February 23, 2016

It’s good, gang. It’s really, really good. I’ve spent the majority of the past two weeks in Addis, walking warehouses and cupping through table after table of gorgeous coffees. The…

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Colombia 2015/2016: Shipment & Delivery Update

February 11, 2016

In a lot of ways, we consider Red Fox to be a ‘South America first’ kind of sourcing business. We’ve spent a good deal of time and energy in Colombia,…

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Newsletter: Peru 2015 Shipment & Delivery Update

December 15, 2015

Back when Red Fox Coffee Merchants was still a daydream of mine, one of my more lucid visions was that Peru would become the defining origin for a nascent sourcing…

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