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Newsletter: Rwanda Kanzu Offerings 2015

November 16, 2015

Kanzu is back, folks, and I have to say this is the best delivery of lots I’ve tasted since we began working with the washing station after the 2007 Golden…

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Newsletter: Ethiopia Duromina, Crown Jewel of the West

August 31, 2015

My work, this particular life, has afforded many memories over the past 15 years. Many beautiful inspiring memories and a handful of frustrating moments as well. I’ll never forget sitting…

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Newsletter: New Gold, Ethiopia Guji Banco Michicha G2

August 26, 2015

Pull out your map of Ethiopia. Trace your way due south from Addis. You’ll pass Shashamane and then Awassa. You should see Yirgalem next, then Dilla. Yirgacheffe town just below….

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Newsletter: Ethiopia Harar Longberry G3

August 20, 2015

This very small offering has been a long time coming. The whole concept of this offering is extremely unique. To be perfectly frank, we don’t do naturals at Red Fox….

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Newsletter: Chimaltenango, The Pearl of Central America

August 6, 2015

We’re very happy to share our first and only Central American offerings of 2015, now clear and available SPOT at the Annex in San Leandro. Guatemala is veritable treasure chest…

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Newsletter: Prime Lot Ethiopia G1 Arrivals

July 27, 2015

They’re just aren’t any other coffees that need as few words to express their greatness as washed Grade 1 Ethiopias. They are the premier lots from the world’s premier producing…

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Newsletter: Forward Contracting

June 25, 2015

Hi Folks, Red Fox Coffee Merchants is a coffee sourcing company, a partner to help you find amazing coffees for you and your customers. We cup through thousands of lots…

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Newsletter: Kenya Gachatha Factory

May 27, 2015

Living in the Bay we’re fortunate to be around some of the American wine industry’s finest participants, from importers, to bars and shops, to natural winemakers in Sonoma county and…

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Newsletter: New Crop Yirgacheffe G2

May 11, 2015

The season is upon us. Our first containers of washed Ethiopian coffees have now arrived on both coasts and what better way to start our offers with than the Queen…

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