El Portillo
…work or tribute), a practice of communal workshare that comes into play during harvest and in off-season renovations. Yogondoy is one of the few communities in which we see a…
Read MoreAsorcafe’s Geovanny Liscano On Covid, Why Specialty is The Future, & 2020
…community. He is the model producer to look at when talking about reinvestment and potential at the farm level. His group Asorcafe is incredibly well-organized with a laser-focus on ethics…
Read MoreSan Agustin Decaf
…are run solely by families, leading to more thorough and intensive management practices and great pride in the final product. Given that the residents of an area are usually all…
Read MoreSan Agustin Decaf
…are run solely by families, leading to more thorough and intensive management practices and great pride in the final product. Given that the residents of an area are usually all…
Read MoreSan Agustin Decaf
…several times to complete the extraction stage, removing more than 97% of caffeine. This process creates a weight loss of around 3% of the weight of the green coffee; it…
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